School Counseling Services

1.Individual Counseling
School Counselors meet individually with students to provide support for school-related issues and emotional problems that are impacting a student’s ability to learn.

Students may refer themselves to the counselor or may be referred by parents, teachers, or other school staff. Written and/or verbal permission is required for ongoing individual counseling.

2.Small Group Guidance
Small groups can be for everyone and a referral for participation does not necessarily indicate a problem. All students benefit from learning how to accept responsibility, manage stress, communicate effectively, make good decisions, and problem solve! Groups meet for 30 minutes during school hours for approximately 10-12 sessions.

Parents will be notified when their child has been chosen for participation in a group.

3.Guidance Curriculum
The guidance curriculum covers the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development. Counselors often deliver the curriculum in large group settings, such as classroom presentations, which offer the best opportunity to

provide guidance to the largest number of students in our school.

4. Consultation
Counselors are available as a resource to help students, parents, and teachers. Consultation can help the school community work through problems and concerns, as well as acquire additional knowledge and skills in order to become more objective.

Counselors serve as a liaison between parents, teachers, support personnel, and community resources to facilitate successful student development. As student advocates, counselors often refer students to appropriate resources.